How to Photoshop Elements Baby Eye to Be Closed

Open Closed Eyes with
Photoshop Elements 2018

You can open closed eyes with Photoshop Elements 2018 . It's a new feature added to this version of Elements.

It's pretty straight forward using a couple of clicks with the mouse.

Before and After.

Click on the video below to see exactly how it works.

Under the video is an illustrated step-by-step guide showing how to Open Closed Eyes with Photoshop Elements 2018.

The Step-By-Step Guide

STEP ONE- Open The Photo That You Want To Fix.

I couldn't find a good photo to use for this tutorial so my wife Linda helped me out by posing with me.

We took three selfies.

One where we both had our eyes opened:

One where Linda had her eyes closed:

And one where I had my eyes closed:

Let's use the photo of Linda with her eyes closed.

STEP TWO- Duplicate The Background Layer.

It's a good idea to duplicate the Background Layer so you can always go back to the original if you need to.

To duplicate the Background Layer press Command-J on a Mac or Control-J on a Windows PC.

Now we have an exact duplicate of the Background Layer in the Layers Panel and it's named Layer 1 by default. This is the Layer we'll be making our change on.

STEP THREE- Open The Dialog Box.

Go up to the Enhance Menu and choose Open Closed Eyes... by clicking on it.

The Open Closed Eyes dialog box appears.

STEP FOUR- Zoom Up (Optional).

In the dialog box there's a preview of your photo. Below the preview there are a couple zoom tools that you can use to zoom up or down on your photo.

In the video I clicked twice on the zoom tool with the plus sign inside of it to zoom up to 100% view. You don't have to zoom up on your photo but just know that it is an option.

Zoom tools are located below the preview of your photo.

STEP FIVE- Choose Your Target And Source.

Elements puts a circle around every face that it detects in your photo.

The person that will be affected has the circle highlighted in bluish-green. The other faces have a gray circle around them.

If the person that you want to open the eyes on (the "target") doesn't have the circle around them highlighted you can click on their face to highlight them.

Over on the right side of the dialog box you're instructed to open a source to use for replacing the eyes.

Obviously your source photo needs to have the eyes open. Ideally it is of the same person as your target person. But if you don't have a photo of them with their eyes open you can actually try using the eyes from someone else!

There are three places you can choose your source photo from (shown outlined in red in the screen shot below).

The three choices for getting your source photo are:

  1. Your Computer.
  2. The PS Elements Organizer.
  3. The four Sample Eyes provided.

For my example the choice is obvious since I staged the photos to use in this tutorial.

So I'll go to my computer by clicking on the Computer option.

STEP SIX- Open Those Peepers!

After I clicked on the "Computer" option a navigation window appeared to allow me to navigate to where my source photo was located.

I found the photo I wanted to use which was the one where we both have our eyes open. To choose your photo you can double-click on it.

My Source photo (circled in red).

After double-clicking on the photo you want to use as your source, the navigation window closes and you are back to the Open Eyes dialog box.

Now there is a preview of every face that is in the photo you chose. You are instructed to click on the face whose eyes you want to use.

Obviously in my example I want to click on the face of Linda to use her eyes. When I do that her open eyes are applied to the preview in the dialog box.

There's a Before and After button at the bottom of the window that you can click on to see your change.

Use the Before and After button to see your change.

If you're happy with the results you can click the OK button to close the dialog box and apply the change to your photo.

Here's a look at my final result:

And once again this is what we started with:

That wraps up this tutorial on how to open closed eyes with Photoshop Elements 2018.

It's a nice feature and worked perfectly for our example.

Until next time, this is Rick saying . . . Take care!

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"Just a note to say I LOVE your site! There seem to be a few PS Elements tutorials sites, but yours is by far the clearest and easiest to understand. Thanks!" - Ellie

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Good day Rick, "I very appreciate ALL, ALL of your tutos. Very very clear and useful tips, tricks and techniques of how-to in PSE9. A great great work!" - Hoan

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"Hi Rick! First I've got to say thank you for all the information you share. I can't wait to see the "tips and tricks" you are working on because it sounds like those will help things all come together.
I've gone thru several of your tutorials and learn so much. I can't praise you enough for your time and patience." - Vicki.

"Your website is a great service and I thank you!"
 - Kind Regards, April

"A big thanks to you and your website, and the
 information and help I get from it, its much appreciated." - Rob

Rick - "Many thanks for your advice, that I will take. A big thank you as well for you outstandingly good tutorials. You do seem to have an amazing knack of making quite complicated tasks seem easy and straightforward. I am a fan!" - With Best Wishes, Tony

"Much more helpful than PS Elements 9 for Dummies book.... Thanks so much for your site..truly easy to follow." - Karin

Hi Rick. Just wanted to say a big thank you for all of the great information contained in your tutorials. I've stumbled around PS9 for quite a few weeks now and can't believe quite how easily you explain the different aspects. It's way, way more powerful than I imagined and now, for me, usable too. A big, big thank you from the UK. - Guy

How to Photoshop Elements Baby Eye to Be Closed


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